4Devs - Downloads and help
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First steps with Toradex and Torizon
We collect our customers' challenges and help them get started. We are gradually expanding our free range of tutorials, videos and downloads here.
How to Use MAX98357A with
Toradex System on Modules
Diese Anleitung erklärt, wie man das Verdin Pico-ITX Dual Ethernet Carrier Board entweder mit dem MAX98357A I2S Class-D Amplifier Breakout Board von Adafruit oder einem Verdin Pico-ITX MAX98357A Extension Board für die Audioausgabe über die I2S-Schnittstelle nutzt.
Datum: 21.10.2024
How to use a Toradex SoM on Custom Hardware and Connect to a Multitouch Display via LVDS
In this webinar, Toradex and Carriertronic covered the setup of an LVDS display using Torizon OS on the Toradex Mallow Carrier Board, the development, and the deployment of an application to a Carriertronic touch panel PC.
Toradex – Webinars
Date: 01.07.2024
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS image for Virtualbox 7
Get started right away with our pre-configured image including
– Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
– Docker Engine
- VS Code with Torizon IDE Extension
- installed as in this Torizon documentation
File size: 7.8 GB
Date: 18.04.2024
Name & Password: torizon
IMPORTANT: To find Torizon devices, it is important to set the network adapter to "bridged".
Verdin iMX8M Plus: TEZI with LVDS
The Toradex Easy Installer (TEZI) comes with a device tree that supports HDMI as standard. We provide you with this customized installer so that you can control your display via LVDS with just one click.
Version: 6.5.0build.4
Date: 02/07/2024
Installation guide: Visual Studio Code & Torizon
This short video shows the first steps to install the Torizon extension for Visual Studio Code on Windows via WSL.
Windows + WSL + Ubuntu20.04 + Docker + Visual Studio Code + Docker + Torizon
Toradex – Dokumentation
Docker – Download
Visual Studio Code – Download
Date: 02/26/2024
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